Expert Recommendations with Food Technologist Bryan Dinquel

Tarragon and White Wine Flavored Marinade (E)
The wine notes are clean, and the tarragon is pungent but incredibly rich. I recommend this marinade with pan-seared or roasted chicken. Finish the entrée with chopped tarragon, or chopped parsley and a squeeze of lemon.
Cinnamon Toast
This blend is the essence of simplicity and is so good! Cinnamon Toast is exactly as much as you need and nothing more. Sprinkle on some buttered toast and you’re good to go. Outside of bread, the little bit of cocoa powder in the blend pairs wonderfully with oatmeal.
Buttery Garlic
It’s difficult to infuse vegetables with garlic, but the fatty punch in this flavor works best for grilling, especially zucchini and yellow squash. It’s also terrific on sweet corn. Cook the cobs in foil. Make a little coffin for the corn with butter and buttery garlic to baste as it grills.
The (E) designation is a blend with natural ingredients incorporated to help maintain color and flavor extending the finished products’ shelf life.